

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Life is rarely smooth sailing

Just a quick post tonight to give you the cruise update from my last post.

It went well!  I am not going to go into the food factor because - well - you don't want to know.  Trust me.  Let's just say it started with all you can eat red velvet cupcakes and went from there.... ;)

I had a great time - we were at sea for less than 2 days but I really felt like I got a break, and
2011 cruise vs 2013 cruise
I had fun also.  I went for a run around the deck of the ship.  To be honest the main initial pulling power to get me in my running shoes was the novelty factor, of going for a run in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  I thought I'd just do a quick lap to experience it and that would be it.  But as soon as I started running, I was enjoying myself so much that I ran for 25min., around and around the decks, surrounded by ocean.  It was beautiful.

I took my comparison photos as promised, so here they are.  I discovered I had a few more 'before and afters' that I wasn't expecting, too.

I'm sure my next post will delve into this a little deeper but just to let you know where I've been at since then: not in a great place.  You know I never lie on here.  I'm not going to write and say I got back onto it and everything is going so great.  Monday morning was ok - I got my backside into gear and started the day as I had intended: nutrition, training, sleep and water were my only goals.

Recreate all the photos 
But by mid afternoon I had stuffed up - started by my usual trick but continued by a really rough time I've had since Monday afternoon.  I've spent the last 2 days in an awful state of tears and devastation.  I wish I could go into what this is about here: at this stage I won't but I think I will cave soon.  Unfortunately because I
My run around the deck
have been dealing with this huge hiccup, I've let it (the magic 4) all go.

I know what's wrong with this picture.  I know what I need to do.  But at the moment I don't see my way out.  I'm sure I'll get there but for now I can't.  I thought I could do this 2 day cruise then jump back on the wagon.  I think I could have, but I haven't.  I've stuffed it up.  Just keeping it real and telling it like it is.  I'll get there I'm sure...but for now? xo

I took the above selfie with my Dad in a car a couple of years ago and have always wanted to share it but wouldn't because I look so huge. I did another selfie on the weekend and like it better :) 

Running surrounded by the sea!

Life jacket drill in 2011 vs 2013 - I remember bring nervous of the 2011 one that the jacket wouldn't fit around my neck and I'd be embarrassed. It was fine but this time I had no fear factor :)


  1. Such a dramatic change. Detours from the path are just a part of life, don't let them defeat you - I know you won't. Love the new pic with your dad, he is bursting with pride. xox

  2. It's all about those little hurdles and continually jumping back on the wagon! I've just had three weeks like this and I'm still not 100% mentally right - and it's all because I hit my goal, had nothing left to aim for, and just gave up. How silly! So you are not the only one this happens to, and don't feel bad or guilty for it. It's part of the process :)

  3. Oh Kate, challenges are unfortunately just part of life and they always sucker punch us when we least expect it. I know a little of what is going on behind the scenes for you and I'm here to help you find that positivity again. Surround yourself with those positive thoughts and positive people and you'll be back on track with the magic 4 in no time!! Love your work, love your that you are honest and real!
