

Sunday, 13 October 2013

A lesson in moderation

Hi! Hope you had a good week! Week 9 is almost over, this is crazy, time is flying by. My week's been ok - sticker chart wise it's also been ok. Yes, ok, not great. I had a rough day on Sunday - some things happened and I let it send me into a bit of a spin. In turn I let that send me to the Thai takeaway restaurant across the road for dinner that night....

I had had dinner planned - in fact I had it in the fridge. I didn't need Pad Thai Chicken. But, I had it. Ok, not great, but not a massive deal.

But for Miss Struggling to Stop Being All or Nothing, well, it was a tough one. I tried my hardest to let it go & to just carry on with my meal plan. Stop the damage in its tracks. But then another thing came up that stilted these efforts. It's a really cool thing! But it's been stressing me out.

I got the opportunity to go on a cruise for 2 nights. It's a massive ship that does continual world voyages but I got the opportunity to sail (for free!) for 2 nights from Sydney to Brisbane. I feel so lucky - it was a whirlwind organisation effort but suddenly it was happening. It's amazing - what a cool little break. Out on the open seas, entertainment, wining and dining for 48 hours. 

But there's the word that has had me terrified all week: 'Dining'.

I have been on a few cruises before and I know what's onboard. Lots and lots of food.
Cruise in 2011 - I found this photo last week
Multiple restaurants, buffets, food on literal tap. 

As much as I was excited about the cruise, I was suddenly panicking. How on earth was I going to cope? I was on a new roll! I just started Operation Finale! A ship full of amazing food at my disposal was not on my 6 week star sticker plan!


Usually I allow myself to relax while away from home and not count calories. But I am just getting myself back on track now - of all times this could come up - I'm in that 'habit reforming' stage where I'm a little delicate.

I have pretty good self control when I'm in a fit of determination....but I also didn't want to feel deprived - I don't go on cruises every week! But if I started eating then I would find it hard to stop. And 2 days of uncontrolled eating would set me behind.
I'm in Mish's new book!!!

More than anything, if I allowed myself to relax for 2 days then I was concerned about how to get back straight into it once I get home. This has been my constant battle through the years. Stuffing up a little but then stuffing up big time and making it a hundred times worse than it had to be.

Are you thinking what I am thinking? Kate, SHUT UP already!!! Talk about an over thinker!

After a not so perfect food week caused from unnecessary worrying, I had a chat to my mate Court and realised that there are things in life that are going to happen like this. Times where we may not be able to be as perfect as we'd like to be. Or times when we can be really good but we want to just relax and not think for a couple of days. And times where we want to jump back onto it straight away because we have goals to meet. It's life. Things are not always conveniently timed.

So I decided to RELAX. I'm going to enjoy the cruise - not worry, not stress, and as soon as I get back to Brisbane, I'm going to test myself - to get back onto it straight away. I am usually
Sneak preview of Michelle Bridges' new book ;)
bad at this and I allow 'relaxing times' to linger.

But I'm really going to try. I hate this but I'll be honest, the word 'moderation' is still a foreign word to me. But I'm going to really try and relax and test myself on getting head first back into my routine and into Operation Finale.

Two quick things before I go, I'm in Mish's new book! Apparently it's released in bookstores on the 20th November. It's got heaps of my friends in it too and Page 76 is all about me! A bit exciting!

And...just over a week ago I actually found some photos of myself (the ones on this post) on a cruise I went on in 2011! I looked so grotesquely overweight. And I felt grotesque. I actually shared these on IG and coincidentally a couple of days later is when I found out I was going on the cruise this weekend! So, I'm going to recreate these photos with a 'Now' to match that 'Then'! :) Will be back after the cruise to show you the results!
Cruise in 2011 - photo #2 that I found

P.S. It took me a few days to post this so I'm actually already back from the cruise! Will post as soon as I can to let you know how I went! :) xo

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading your story in the book Miss Kate. And you are right opposite a dear friend of mine from the Warrnie crew. We figured now that we are in the book we REALLY have to walk the talk now, no more mucking about for us. I can't even see you in that before photo on the ship, amazing!

