

Friday, 8 November 2019

"Very soon" can mean 6 months

Hey guys!

Okay, so on my previous post, I said to keep an eye on my blog "very soon", so I could catch you all up.  Well, that was on the 8th May and today is coincidentally the 8th November, so I maybe shouldn't have said "very soon".  But when you have baby twins and currently live a very disorganised and overwhelmed life, "very soon" can genuinely equate to 6 months.

So like last time, I wanted to break the drought and just write.  I have SO SO SO SO SO SO much I want to say, but I get so overwhelmed that I don't do anything (or in terms of blogging, I don't write anything).  It's a credible, endearing habit (NOT), that I am trying to kerb.  In terms of blogging, it's hard to start writing because I wonder where I should start?  I have a very large gap I want to fill in - in the time between my previous two posts, I got pregnant and gave birth to two babies.  And that's not to mention the other stuff that I talk about on here.

So as much as I love Maria von Trapp and she advises to "start at the very beginning", I am going to actually just start somewhere; anywhere; and eventually I should fill in all the blanks.

Love Kate xo

My catchphrase

1 comment:

  1. Good plan! Totally understand!!! Blanks can be interesting :-)
