

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Week 4 checkpoint

It's Week 4 which means it's time for a checkpoint of the 12 weeks.  We do our usual weekly weigh in, but also take measurements and redo the fitness test, to see how we've (hopefully) gone down and improved respectively.

I'm so happy with my results so far!  Here is a little picture I happened to have prepared earlier (for Instagram haha):

My Week 4 results

So they're my results in the 4 weeks:

  • I lost 1.5kg this week bringing the total lost in this round so far to 8.3kg.
  • My measurements have gone down by 19.9cm (you'd think my body could have managed just 1mm more, to get over the 20cm mark, surely!  But no - lol)
  • And my fitness score went from 13 up to 20.

As I said on Insta this morning, as much as these numbers really excite me, the main reason I'm so happy with them is that I know how hard it was to get to this point.  LOL it's been 4 weeks of picking myself up on attempt #855521789321672 of getting back on track so I'm not trying to get ahead of myself, but in saying that, I guess I'm just proud because it's attempt #855521789321672.

It's been so hard and taken so many failed attempts to get to this point.  And, even though I announce a little disclaimer to everyone lately "I could stuff up at any time", there's a part of me deep inside that is madly wishing and hoping that I won't.  That this will be the time that works.  And although my whole blog may seem a bit like the girl who cried wolf, the amount of times I've gotten myself together, well it's all a part of it.  Every attempt, try and failure is part of this grand journey.

I always liken it to when I quit smoking.  It took me 3 attempts to finally kick the habit.  But when I finally managed to do it, I didn't go around thinking "I quit smoking but it took me 3 goes". <Cue glum face>

No!  I walked around (and still do) proudly "I quit smoking."  Full stop.

So I know that when I finally get to goal weight, I am sure that I'll be smiling that "I got to my goal weight."  It won't be followed by a sad "but it took me 855521789321672 goes."

The only time I'll be talking about the 855521789321671 failed attempts is when I'm trying to comfort other people to believe that they can do it too, no matter how many times they've fallen.  Which is why I'm always telling you about most attempts.

ANYWAY!  So that is why I'm proud of those numbers.  Because of how hard I had to work to even get to this point.  It's also exciting to know that I've managed it while having plenty of treats throughout, and whilst being extremely 'broken' (injured).

However (!) time to move on from being proud, as it's only 4 weeks into a 12 week round, I have a lot more work ahead of me, not to mention after the round!  Checkpoints like today are nice though. :)

This is my sticker chart (I took this on Sunday night: this includes the last week of pre-season where I was on track as well):

So many stickers at the top!

I've had perfect 7/7's for my Nutrition and Training!

My money rewards jar is being added to as well:

Gathering me some cash!

Week 4 and some of Week 5's cook-up / prep

I ended up doing a 1.5 week cook-up and prep on Sunday: so everything is done for this current Week 4, as well as half of Week 5.  All I need to organise this weekend is my Week 5 dinners and snacks.  These cook-ups have really been helping me stay on track: because the food's there and ready to go so there's no excuses.

Speaking of cook-ups, I made the 12WBT Fried Rice as one of my meals: very yummy!  But it also looked awesome, so that's why you'll find this post littered with photos of it: because it looked so good and I had to share!

I found this quote the other day and it felt like it could be written for me, or any one of us.  And as two wonderful women, Gabi and Julie, said and made me feel heaps better, remember the tortoise and the hare story.  

I'll still make it. :)

Till next time, 
Kate x 

Photos of other stuff.  Mainly fried rice:

Fried rice!

My breakfasts and snacks laid out in day order in the fridge

So colourful

Fried rice for dinner and 3 extra serves for the week

I got my Mothers Day Classic "I Can't Be There, But...." medal in the mail!

Last pic of the fried rice, I promise

You try get it.  YOU NEVER GIVE UP

Boot camp yesterday morning

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