

Saturday, 25 April 2015

My plans for 12WBT May Round

I've spent some time today planning my May Round and feel pretty on track with knowing what I want from it!  Because I've done consecutive rounds since I began, I tend to only sign up in the week the new round starts, so that I can give my full attention to the round I'm currently doing.  (Note that I said "so that I can give my full attention".  I don't always actually give said attention!  But I allow for it). :)

This round starts on Monday 4th May.  I signed up today, and got stuck into pre-season.  I'm
pretty impressed with myself so far!  When I finish this blog post (my 'Say It Out Loud'), I will have done 8 of the tasks just today!  Go me!  I've got a plan for the rest of them: I've worked out when I can fit them all in this coming week.  I'm determined to complete all of them before the round opens!  I really want to commit to this round.

I've chosen the Move program.  It was pretty tough to select when I know what fitness stuff I've done in the past.  But I have to be realistic - I have so many injuries at the moment and need to be gentle and smart.  I may change after the plans are released, but for now it seems like the perfect program for me.

I also updated a few of my 'little things that I do', including resetting my "I need a second job to afford them" rewards plan, and my weekly mini milestones for the round.  I've been very uncommitted at sticking to my weekly milestones for a few rounds now.  But I've never given up on any goals I've set, I've just pushed each one out and today I reset when I'm doing each one, and added more.

My mini milestones for May Round are:

Week 1: Get organised (I'll explain this in detail in my next post, I'm excited about this one!)

Week 2: Girl in Blue (This is one I was interested in when I first planned to do it, well over a year ago!  Now it's annoying me that I haven't actually done it yet, so I am going to try again!  I'll annoy myself if I explain again what it is, so here is where I first talked about it)

Week 3: Start water running (I've had friends suggest that I do this while I'm injured, to keep my cardio / running up with little/no impact on my body.  I've been 'meaning to' for a while now so I made it an official mini milestone to encourage myself to actually put it into place!)

Week 4: Try a new parkrun (One of many carry over goals. I've tried 4 different parkruns before but there's plenty of others very close to me that would be interesting to check out)

Week 5: Walk home from work (I live about 8-10km from work.  I've done this as a mini milestone when I worked somewhere else, but would like to try it from my new workplace.  It's not something I can do practically all the time, but I'd like to test it out and see how it goes)

Week 6: Learn how to curl my hair (This probably doesn't sound like a normal type of mini milestone!  But I try to set my milestones as things that I've always meant to do, or things to make me feel good about myself, or things that challenge me - and this falls into all 3 of those categories!  In the early days my milestones were all about smashing my body through crazy exercise goals...I try to do different things now - especially when I'm all kinds of injured!)

Week 7: Walk to work (So this is obviously similar to Week 5's goal, just the opposite!  I think this will be more difficult, as walking to, I'll have time restrictions and have the 'needing to get changed for work' factor, but I'd still like to at least test it out.  Note that a lot of these milestones are walking milestones, while I'm not allowed to run....)

Week 8: Research sugar (This is an interesting one that I'm excited about!  I know this has been popular for a while now, but I've never had an interest in learning about the concept, until now.  I take my time with some things..... :)  A work colleague of mine a couple of years ago read one of those 'sugar books' and stopped eating ALL sugar.  All I remember is that she threw out the pain tablets in her desk drawer because they contained sugar, and stopped eating tomato sauce.  (I know it was more complex then that, that's all I remember!)  I had no interest in such a thing back then but now I'm finally interested to at least read / watch about it and do a bit of research.  (Thanks to Gabi and Leanne for helping with sparking this interest!) x

Week 9: Play a game of baseball (Another carry over goal.  Just because I haven't played it since primary school, and loved it back then.  Why not!)

Week 10: Walk one of the Redcliffe bridges (There's a couple of long bridges near where I live, in an area called Redcliffe.  I just said 'one of' because there's a couple of bridges side by side and I need to check which one/s are accessible for pedestrians.  My little brother helped design one of the bridges and I'm so proud of him every time I drive I would like to walk it one day!  Hopefully I can...any Brisbane region readers, advice is welcome!)

Week 11: Do the steep hill next to my old work (I explained this here)

Week 12: Iceskating (Another carry over goal, just for fun) :)

So there they are!

I've also decided on a new 'Operation Yellow Dress'!  It will be called....'Operation Polka Dot Dress'!  I explained on my Instagram post how this came about, here.  I'll post the update
My new 'Operation Yellow Dress'!
photos on my blog and Instagram, starting this week!  Hopefully the dress goes over my head at least, to start with.  Eeek!

That is all from me tonight!  Be back soon!  And bring on the May Round....may I stick to my commitment!


  1. Water running what a fantastic idea while your injured

    I am just starting to research the no sugar concept ... Still not sure I'm game enough to do it
    Would be interested in your thoughts when you research it

    Keep bloggin please it keeps me motivated

  2. Well done Kate, great goals

    In regards to your sugar goal - i have read a couple of sugar books but one thing i can definitely recommend is a doco called 'that sugar film' it's still in and out of cinemas at the moment but the DVD will be out & it'll be available on itunes in July believe. He also put out 'that sugar book' to go along with the movie, this could be a good place to start as it's very easy to read. The book sweet poison is great but can be difficult to follow as it gets quite technical - i'm currently studying a bachelor of health science (nutrition medicine) and still get stuck in some places of this book, then there's Sarah Wilson's books but i'm not as keen on those as the other 2.
    Good luck with pre-season & i hope you smash your goals xx

  3. That's a great list of goals Kate! The sugar thing is an interesting topic - I did Sugar Free September last year, but found it went a little overboard... but that's just me. I reckon we're going to see these ticked off the list fairly regularly. xox
