

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Keeping myself accountable

Hello :)

So today is Week 1 weigh in and a public holiday in Brisbane!  Super happy with my first weigh in, especially considering this is including a certain boozy weekend in Adelaide....but
even still, I am 5.2kg down since Friday.  I am now 100.5kg and I'm hoping that next week will see my break the 100kg barrier for the 2nd, and last time.  I made such a big song and dance about it the first time...well here we go again ;)

I've spent most of today getting some pre-season stuff done, as well as creating a few things to help keep me accountable for the next 12 weeks.  I am yet to set my big goal for the round - I am a bit stuck on that one actually.  But while I sort that out, I've spent some energy on trying to set myself up for a successful round, by being more accountable.

Here's what I've been up to:

I updated my blog!  All of the links are at the top of the page, but I updated:

My weekly weigh in page!  I haven't kept it up to date since April - it's now all up to date including today's weight: Coco's Stats

My before and after photos page!  All of them should be up there now: Coco's Photos

My weekly personal challenges page! Coco's Goals

Operation Yellow Dress!  I stopped in Week 4 last round so back onto it this round - I'll update the photos on each page each Wednesday - this time for Operation Green Dress, Operation Leather Jacket and Operation Denim Jacket: Operation Yellow Dress

Also check out my Instagram (cocogirlbutter) for an Instagram only Operation Blue Work Dress :)

Here are this week's photos:

And my 'celebrating every kg page' is up to date also: Every kg

On Instagram I copied this idea and uploaded this photo and will do every 4 weeks:

I'm also going to make sure I take a photo of the scales each Wednesday and upload it onto Instagram; update my weight on here, the 12WBT site, on a thread we have on our 30+ Facebook group, and various other places I try to record it.

And I reactivated my weight tracker on the forums and am going to try and visit there more often than I usually do.

I think that's it!  I've got other things I do too and little posse's of friends who we try to keep each other accountable and I'm just going to try to utilise them all.  I have some big goals and I am hell bent on achieving them, so I am just trying to do everything in my power to help me along my way.

Next blog post: my finale photos! :)


  1. I'm with ya! Keeping myself accountable, and also busting to get into double digits AGAIN and for the last time. We've got this x

    1. Nice my Jules! We can and will do this :) We are so on parr too. Looking forward to smashing double digits for the 2nd and last time with you :) xx

  2. Oh me too!! breaking into double digits for the 2nd and last time with you both!!

    1. Hey Emily welcome to the DD for the 2nd and last time team! lol :) Can't wait to see you break through...we will soon :)

  3. Love your "operation Dresses". You are a big motivator

  4. WOOHOOO I'm back again on the 12wbt train again. I'm looking forward to smashing it. You've inspired me with your Operation Yellow Dress. I have an Operation Rayon blouses. Maybe I should post some pics on my blog.
    You are totally amazing!! & you looked INCREDBILE at the finale! xoxoxxoo

  5. You'll have to eat super-clean this week Kate to get under that 100kg mark as we all are now expecting it... Can't wait for the good news and the photo next Wednesday!

  6. Hello is thete any way i can join in with pix of the scales? Im from the uk. 102 kg and need accountability. Looking througj your blog & identify with loads of it! Thanks. Kat
