

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Crazy people run

Nothing better than being crazy. 
Crazy people get up early, crazy people run, even crazier people pay to run. 
I wouldn't be any other way but crazy.
(Corinne Wessling)

So...guess what I did yesterday?  I signed up for my second half marathon!  My first was only
3 weeks ago.  And I'm doing another 2 days time!  What.Am.I.Doing?

It's the Sunshine Coast Marathon was always on my list of events to do...but I couldn't decide which event.  The 10km or the half.  Half or 10km.  10-21....21-10....I just couldn't decide.  Entries closed at 5pm yesterday.  It got to yesterday morning and I still couldn't decide!

I know I can do a half now!  So why wouldn't I choose that?  But if I couldn't decide, then maybe that's showing me that I should stick with the 10?  Be safe and all that... But it's in line with my goals - and there's not many halfs out there.  I have to take these opportunities when they arise.  But...I haven't been well this week after the accident.  I should really take it easy.  A few days ago I was flat on my back.  But it's supposed to be a great, flat course - along the coast!  Beautiful...  But apart from boot camp / fitness tests, I haven't run since my half!

Far out - you think that's annoying, you try being in my head!  Or being one of my poor friends who was lucky enough to listen to the pros and cons...several times.

Usually, on the inside, I know what I want.  But this one I was truly in two minds about.

One of my friends said to do the 10km and I was immediately disappointed.  That was my first sign.

The second sign was, it was 4:30pm and entries closed at 5pm.  Nothing like leaving it to the last minute.  I kept thinking that if I can't decide, just sign up for the 10.  But it was like this thing inside of me.  Something was stopping me...I had to sign up for the half!  So, I did.  30min. before entries cut off.  I know that I'm crazy.  My last post I was chatting about how I'm struggling and not in I do the logical (?) thing and sign up for a half?

All I can think of are all of the things going against me, compared to my 'perfect' first one.  This one is 100km away from home, I have the 5km Glow Run the night before so no relaxing, early night, I'm so not mentally prepared for this one, I haven't been 100% (I'm feeling ok now though), I'm performing on the same day, there's a 3 hour cut off, I'll be sans my amazing cheersquad, I haven't been drinking much water, blah blah blah. 

So I may not be as mentally prepared as I was with my first one just 3 weeks ago, but I do have one thing going for me, and that is that I want to do this...for me.  I don't know why?  I guess I just know that I love to run.  I said to Corinne, this gorgeous, inspirational runner / triathlete star friend of mine yesterday, "I know I'm crazy." (For doing this).

She answered with what I wrote above (I asked permission to publish it...because it just spoke to me:

Nothing better than being crazy. 
Crazy people get up early, crazy people run, even crazier people pay to run. 
I wouldn't be any other way but crazy. 
(Corinne Wessling)

And that, is I guess why I am doing it.  Coz I love it.  I want to prove to myself that I can do it (again).  I don't feel ready and self doubt it plaguing me.  I may be crazy for doing this, but that's what we do!  Crazy people run.  They get up at some ridiculous hour on a weekend to run for 3 hours straight - and pay for the pleasure.  But there's something in it that I can't put my finger on.  Crazy people love it. :)  And crazy people run.  And I wouldn't be any other way. :)

Wish me luck!


  1. You've done it before, you can do it again, believe in yourself. You got this xx

  2. Awesome! I can't wait to hear how you go :) Have a great time at the glow run, like a fun warm up for the next day, then some good food and a big sleep xx
