

Monday, 13 May 2013

Project Kate

Welcome to Round 2! First day of the new round!

So I am finally making my commitment today and wanted to share it with you here. And I'm
Start of new round!
decorating this post with some photos taken at the 12WBT stand at the Brisbane Mothers Day Classic yesterday.

So new round, huh? It's taken me a while to do my Pre-Season tasks. I managed to do 3 of them last night so I have to get the others done in the next few days. I make sure I do every task each round; I take them very seriously. But even I was surprised when last night, a couple of the tasks were really kind of overwhelming to do!

"No Excuses": I was honest with some excuses I've been making. I didn't think I made excuses...turns out I do. This was an eye opener for me. And setting my goals, I surprised myself with being realistic with my goals for this round. I am a very "I'll just make it happen dream your biggest dream" type of person. I still am, but last night I allowed myself to be honest with myself and I readjusted my Round 2 goal. It's still MEGA! but I downgraded the MEGA! one or two notches...that is a big step for this dream-in-her-eyes-everything-will-work-out type of girl. ;)
Sarah, Vanessa, Kate & Kate!

And then I couldn't seem to make my commitment. This is my 5th round. And I have been really, really scared about it! I feel like I did when I was a newbie! Slightly anxious, apprehensive, not knowing if I can do it, if it will work....seriously! What's going on with me?  I don't really understand it but I have pulled myself together regardless and made this commitment to myself this morning and thought I would share it, and say it out loud. It's interesting seeing my commitment change each round. This one says it all and doesn't require an explanation. Time to bring it all together :)

To myself, Mish, 12WBT, my family, friends, 30+ Crew, EA, Striders, Spice Girls, QLD Crew, my FG & T sisters, my blog readers & those who truly support me:

I commit to Project Kate. To continue transforming my life. To finish what I started. To start living the life I imagined. No matter what.



Get outta my way!

De and me xo


  1. Hi Kate,

    I'm hearing you. I just decided to join up Sunday and I'm so glad I did. I've never nailed down any real goals either except for lose xxxkgs and work hard to achieve it. But this time I set solid, measurable goals and they are tough, but I want to push hard. I work best under pressure. Defo no more excuses either, I'm giving alcohol the boot this round.

    Well done and never give up.

  2. So awesome! I can't wait to keep following your journey. Even though I am doing WW now I've decided to still do 12wbt by default. I have the exercise programs & started Day one yesterday.
    YOU GO GIRL. I love love love looking at your photos of the crew xoxoxo

  3. Good on ya.... Go for it. I am back on the wagon as well, I'll be following your journey. Love your pic's :)

  4. You are such a wag! Love it. Those photos are terrific. And go Project Kate. You can do it !

