

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Here's some inspiring stuff

If you have 6 spare minutes, I encourage you to take a look at these 2 seems to be the week for videos for me!

The first one is a montage of awesomeness from the amazing 30+ crew.  Checking out some of their achievements is awe-inspiring.  This has made me grin all week.

The second video is my entry for this week's weekly surprise, of someone who has inspired me.  This is the most difficult challenge we have.  How do you choose just one person?  I live amongst inspiring, phenomenal people - there are so many people who have changed my life recently just by being themselves.  But I had to choose one.  This is just a short video about one of my inspirations...Sarah McGee.  She is #littlemcgee, she has been there for me personally, and for many, many others.  But I realised what got me about my friend here, is that she inspires me to live my life for me...and to GET UP.  I can't think of anything more inspiring than to help make someone want to fight for their own life, and to live passionately, for themself.  Thank you Sarah McGee, and to all of my other inspirations.  You all propel me forward, lift me up and inspire me every single day.


30+ Crew vlog:

Meet Sarah McGee:

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