

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Join me on Facebook

Office supplies come in handy in the 'in between clothes' phase
Good morning :)

Just a quick update to say hi and to let you know that I have a new Facebook page. My old Coco Girl page has been quite neglected as I have it on a different account which I never access and therefore never update! So- I have set up a new page which I will update more often as it's joined to my usual Facebook page! There's nothing on there yet but there will be. It's linked to Twitter - which I now believe is linked to my newly discovered Instagram. And somehow this is linked to my YouTube channel. Look at this social media go! :) Some things are too small to do a blog post about but need more room than Twitter gives me. Just branching out to help me along. Links are below :)

Mini update: All is tracking ok in the weight loss track-o-sphere. Nutrition and training are ticking along nicely. I'm in Sydney for the day for my baby niece's Christening. I took a few photos to reflect how I'm keeping on track while I'm here for 24 hours and just some general photos. <3 Instagram. Yesterday I packed my shoes only, and then the rest of my stuff was thrown in my bag in 12 minutes :) #showswhaticareabouthey

I'll be on the run all day with family, as well as what I assume will be 'party food' at the Christening, late flight plane food tonight and no access to my own food. So I ducked into Woolies when I got into Sydney late last night an bought some fruit and yoghurt to keep me going through today. Not exactly my ideal meal plan but it's the best I can do and it's all about doing the best you can, right? :)

I slept in my training gear last night and got up early to go for what was planned to be a run on the beach during sunrise. It looked so magical in my imagination. In reality, there was no sun, it was raining, I had to wear my jacket on my head like a hajib to avoid frizzy hair for today, my HRM wasn't picking up my heart rate, my feet were sinking into the sand but I tried. It wasn't a SSS by any means but I'm proud I JF got out there. I did my push ups challenge #14today and it was actually just nice to have a bit of time to myself by the ocean before the world woke up.

Anyway my friends, have an awesome day, if you're doing SSS, go hard, if you're having a rest day, nurture yourself. But whatever you're doing, just be the best that YOU can be. That's all you need to do xx

Like me on Facebook: cocogirlbuttertransformation
Follow me on Twitter: cocogirlbutter
Watch me on Instagram: cocogirlbutter
Check me out on YouTube: cocogirlbutter



  1. Well done on just doing it! I'm sure running in wetland would have been a great workout. Good job too on stocking up on supplies :) hope the christening was fun!

  2. Oh my goodness that is hysterical using the clip on your clothes, I'm going to have to try that!you may have started a trend.

  3. You rock!!! Love the paper clip on your clothes! I'll have to give that a try too!!!
